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Tim Jefferson

Tim Jefferson

Senior Consultant, FirstPartner

Tim is a senior business consultant with over thirty-five years of commercial and technical experience. He is a natural enthusiast for his subject in helping businesses use digital technologies to drive new revenue opportunities, strip out cost and complexity in the back end and deepen end user engagement. He uses his technical understanding of digital channels to influence and drive stakeholder understanding and thinking on how to define and bring to market new products and services in the omni channel world.

He is a very experienced chairman, facilitator and speaker at leading conferences globally, recently focused on payments and transit ticketing with conferences in Dubai, Amsterdam, and London.

His current payments focus is on helping clients create seamless customer experiences across mobile, web and face to face in a multi factor authentication world. He has delivered multiple projects helping customers understand new vertical and geographical market entry for new and alternative payment methods, including bank to bank, open banking, pre-paid cEMV – open and closed loop and cEMV open payments in all form factors. He has extensive current experience in supporting merchant acquirers and PSPs in the changing world of payments acceptance and is known for his knowledge and expertise in strong customer authentication (SCA).    

Tim is one of the leading transit ticketing subject matter experts with real in-depth current experience with cEMV open payments, account based ticketing, fare capping and aggregation and transit merchant acquiring.  His experience is very broad ranging from supporting Transport for London (TfL) in defining the cEMV implementation, to currently working with payment schemes, transport operators, bank issuers, merchant acquirers and technology providers to define and develop Account Based Ticketing (ABT), cEMV, closed loop, mobile and hardware solutions.

Tim is a senior industry figure who has proven experience of delivery within the payments, transit ticketing, mobile and wider digital sector. He brings structured thinking and analysis to any role, driving collaboration and engagement to deliver results.


